Lost and Found

This spring I got lost in NYC.

On the High Line, I learned how to feel in two worlds at once. A park in the clouds, a cityscape on all sides.


I got lost in the beautiful simplicity of a hot dog lunch.

street dog

In the courtyard at the MoMa, I got lost in a chair.

chairs at MoMa

Gazing into this shimmering water, all bejeweled with copper coins, I pondered what wishes lived in this pool.

fountain at the MoMa

Looking up at the sky, I got lost in the colors and soft whisperings of flags flapping in the wind.


I got lost in it all, even when I knew just exactly where I was.

See more photos of the trip here.

This post is part of Think Kit by SmallBox
Today’s prompt: “Share a time that you got lost this year, whether you didn’t know where you were or you were working on a project or activity so fiercely that you lost all sense of time and place. Did you learn anything?”