Finding the One

I’ve lived in my house for just a couple of years. From the start, it’s felt cozy and full, save above the fireplace in the living room.

For months, I stared at the blank space, dreaming about the art my husband and I would buy to hang there. We browsed at art festivals, hunted at Midland, we gallery-hopped on First Friday, and still didn’t find the right thing. I saved and spent the money for a painting to fill the void several times.

And then we found it. The one.

Louie hanging our new painting

Contracted by Susan Hodgin

I’ve been buying art since I was in high school. Over the years I’ve acquired a couple of paintings, a handful of prints and more than my fair share of ceramic pieces.

I’ve been gripped by art plenty of times before, but this was different. This was love.

A couple of months in and it still takes my breath away when I walk through my door. This year, I learned what it feels like to be a collector.

This post is part of Think Kit by SmallBox
Today’s prompt: “What new things did you learn this year?”