Dunbar Recipe

December 9 Party.
What social gathering rocked your socks off in 2010? Describe the people, music, food, drink, clothes, shenanigans. (Prompt author: Shauna Reid)

My favorite party goes like this:
I get a craving. Or L. does. We plan and shop and make every dish dirty crafting a meal at home. We open wine we bought in Italy, saved for special occasions. After, we dance in bare feet in the dining room or sing songs.

Or a friend calls randomly and says, “Hey, I’m making a big pot of chili. Come and eat with us.” And we all gather in the kitchen for beers and good laughs.

Or a lovely couple invites a small group for a Burns Supper, complete with poetry, Haggis, Tatties and Neeps. And scotch-fueled board games lasting into the wee hours.

Small, intimate gatherings win hands down every time, and only get better if it involves sharing food. A collected warmth forms between people that share nights like this.

Dunbar’s Number says humans can maintain 150 stable relationships. But that smaller core, the ones you cook with, how many fit in that circle?


Image credit: Mr T in DC via Flickr

This post is a part of #reverb10 by Gwen Bell. Gwen and her team enlisted a group of authors to write prompts for each day in December. Participants can blog, tweet or post photos in reaction to the prompts to reflect on the past year.