This One Goes to 11. Or 12.

Food is the perfect place to push comfort zones. If you don’t like something, there aren’t major long term implications. A bad taste in the mouth lasts a minute, a lifetime of missing out on something you’d maybe love? Well, that’s just sad.

I recently tried egg nog for the first time. My main question: what the hell was I waiting for? I thought it’d be too thick, too sweet, but the Traders Point Creamery version was fantastic.

After one cup, I got inspired to cook with it. Egg nog waffles, anyone? Or my favorite idea, which might also be a project for this weekend, egg nog custard pie.

Tonight I tried Taco Lassi’s white chocolate habanero cookie. I’d been warned of it’s heat. And here’s a lesser known fact about me: I love hot foods, but if the food has mega-intense, off-the-charts flaming, I mean “this one goes up to 11” heat, I can get a serious and lengthy case of hiccups.

With a little trepidation, I dug in. And it was good. And it maybe went up to 12. But guess what? No hiccups.

Habanero cookie

Pictured here with the cookie is a snack mix of unknown ingredients, also from Taco Lassi. My husband dove in first, and his reaction was sort of like when Buddy the Elf tries fruit spray in the department store. After his reaction I was better prepared for the palate shock, but it was, shall we say not my favorite. But hey, no big deal. A sip of tea and a bit of habanero cookie later, all was well again.

This post is part of Think Kit by SmallBox
Today’s prompt: “Try something totally different. Have something for lunch or dinner you don’t normally eat. Make up a new recipe. What did you come up with?”