A Hello Away

At SXSW earlier this year, I couldn’t get over how many amazing people were just a hello away:

I want to meet all of you tweet

I had similar responses at local events like TedxIndianapolis and We are City Summit, in which I got overwhelmed and a bit awe-struck by all of the great minds gathered in one room. I go to these things in part for the presentations, but more so for the interaction and meeting new people, the good stuff that happens in the hallways between sessions.

I go because I never know who I might meet. It could be that the most interesting person I meet in 2013 isn’t on my radar yet. It might be that it’s someone I already know a little, but don’t really know.

It’s hard to pick just one. Like I said, I want to meet all of you.

This post is part of Think Kit by SmallBox
Today’s prompt:“If you could meet someone new in 2013, who would it be? Or would you rather spend more time with someone you already know?”