Always Wait for the Whistle

December 8 Beautifully Different.
Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. Reflect on all the things that make you different – you’ll find they’re what make you beautiful. (Prompt author: Karen Walrond)

When I think about what makes me different and beautiful, or anyone else for that matter, I’m reminded of the the opening of the movie Amelie. We are introduced to the people in Ameilie’s life by short lists of things they love and things they hate. It’s a quick, clever way to sum up a person and incredibly telling of their overall personality.

Amelie, for example, likes to dip her hand into sacks of grain, look back to sneak glances at the faces of people watching movies in the theater and skip stones, but doesn’t like it when strangers brush her hand or when drivers in old movies don’t watch the road while driving.

These are the quirks that make people unique, the sort of things you uncover slowly as you get to know a person. Each learned quirk is a small reward symbolizing closeness. Sometimes when I’m getting to know people I think of them this way – what would their little Amelie-esque loves/hates be?

If a clever movie montage of my quirks were made, this would be among them: I love the sound of a tea kettle whistle. Even if I know the water is hot enough, I always wait for the whistle. Always.

What would be one your movie montage quirks?

Extras from Amelie:


This post is a part of #reverb10 by Gwen Bell. Gwen and her team enlisted a group of authors to write prompts for each day in December. Participants can blog, tweet or post photos in reaction to the prompts to reflect on the past year.