Full Heart

I found this heart on a morning walk this fall, carried it back with me. At home, I put it on my bedside table. It stayed with me for a few weeks, a daily reminder of the loveliness in the world.

The leaf lay there, unmoved. I noticed it when I woke up in the morning, and again when I went to bed at night. I kept it there, not knowing why, thinking it might inspire some art. Sometimes we notice things so that we might see something else.

One day, I looked at it and saw the fullness in my own heart. I never made anything else with it, just snapped a photo, then let it go. I am not in the habit of keeping leaves and things at my bedside.

This post is part of Think Kit by SmallBox
Prompt: “What’s Your Tradition? Today we’ll keep it short and sweet. Share a photo from your year that highlights giving, thankfulness, traditions or finding peace. What does the photo represent to you?”